Dear Motherhood Maternity,
I do not know how you are still in business with your high-water pants, stupid T-shirts (who wants to wear a shirt that says "embrace your bump" or "bumps rock"?), and bad patterned dresses. And to Heidi Klum (whom I normally love) your maternity line is no better (shirt on the very right) and I highly doubt you wore any of it when you were pregnant.

All of the cute (and I use that term loosely) maternity clothes are crazy expensive...Good luck finding a pair of jeans that don't look like mom jeans for under $185.00! What I have come to realize is maternity clothes are just as bad as bridesmaids dresses...I would never wear them unless I had to!
Forever 21 now has a maternity line, I am very interested to see it and try some of it on! The website doesn't have much to offer but there is a store close by that just started carrying it! Wish me luck, at least it will be cheap!