
The Festivities of the 4th

I was informed a few minutes ago (by my husband of course, when I was trying to change the TV channel) that it is like a 4th tradition to watch the hot dog eating contest. I am not going to lie, it was mildly entertaining for a second but to me the 4th of July is eating watermelon, anything blueberry, watching my sister (my older sister keep in mind) dance around in smoke bombs, my mom's strawberry yogurt pie ( I will post pics later and a recipe if she will let me but don't get your hopes up)....and now watching my daughter watch fireworks.

I was looking for a good Independence day quote to end with and I stumbled across this one that I thought was funny...

"Liberty is responsibility, that is why most men dread it" George Bernard

As promised here are some pics from my brinner extravaganza...

As you can see the ingredients for *from scratch* pancakes is a little more complex that *from the box* pancakes. (like the dish cloth? Is is a honeysweet product).
Not as easy as it looks...It took me a few try's to flip them without them falling apart! The best tip I got from smitten kitchen was to put the blueberries on the pancake after it was on the griddle.

Sweet success!!!

Add some eggs and you have Brinner for dinner :)

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